Friday, September 5, 2014

New Research Theme Underway: New paper on Peat Filtration

There are many domestic treatment systems available but little real treatment data on existing systems carried out independently.    So our new research theme asks the question: How good are small-scale biological treatment systems?

Most studies on treatment systems have been done immediately post commissioning leading to over expectations of systems and generally poor performance evaluation which could result in long term environmental problems.

So just how well do these systems work?  The first paper in this series has just been published jointly with John Coady and there are 50 free downloads for the paper which became available online on September 3rd 2014. Link:

The full reference is:

N.F. Gray and  J. Coady (2014): Evaluation of full-scale vertical peat biofilters for treatment of septic tank effluents, International Journal of Environmental Studies, DOI:  10.1080/00207233.2014.954819